Customer Incentives Could Be Key to E-Commerce Business Success

  • author

    BHN Rewards

  • posted

    Apr 02, 2021

  • topic

    Digital Marketing

Customer Incentives Could Be Key to E-Commerce Business Success

Customer incentives are becoming a popular choice for e-commerce businesses looking for ways to boost customer loyalty. E-commerce businesses today face a lot of competition in a crowded online marketplace. It’s essential to stand out from competitors to achieve success. To do this, it’s imperative to engage with customers effectively and impress them. Incentivizing customers to stay loyal to the brand can help achieve that goal.

What Are Incentives?

A customer incentive is a reward that you give to customers when they engage in behavior to build your brand. Incentives can vary in type. Sometimes, they come in the form of discounts or special offers. Gift cards are also a popular customer incentive that helps to turn customers into brand ambassadors.

How Does Incentivizing Customers Help E-Commerce Businesses Achieve Their Goals?

Giving customers incentives can help any e-commerce business achieve its goals in several ways:

  • It can help generate more leads.
  • It can motivate customers to make a purchase.
  • It can encourage customers to become online advocates for the brand.
  • It can build the brand’s reputation via social media platforms.
  • It can help rebuild dissatisfied customers’ trust in the brand.
  • It can welcome new clients and encourage them to return.

Generating Leads

Getting more referrals is vital for e-commerce businesses so they can generate more leads. Giving incentives to customers who recommend your business encourages them to repeat the process. You can reward customers for sharing content or writing testimonials, and they are likely to do it again. As a result, the brand’s reach widens, attracting more prospective customers.

Motivating Customers to Buy a Product

Bundling a customer incentive, such as a gift card, with another purchase helps motivate customers to buy a product. You can use this option to sell less popular products or more expensive lines. Customers love the idea of getting something for nothing. Receiving a gift card or other incentive as a bonus encourages them to follow through with the purchase.

Building a Base of Brand Advocates

Rewarding customers for leaving a review about the brand by using incentives helps build a base of brand advocates. Reviewing a company online is quick and easy, but lots of customers prefer not to bother. If you give them an incentive for doing so, they’re more likely to put in the extra effort. Testimonials are vital to build the brand’s reputation.

Building an Social Media Presence

Brands can thank customers for mentioning them on social media with a customer incentive. Your customers can help you build a stronger online reputation via social media. Social media mentions are important for e-commerce businesses who want to reach a wider audience and attract new customers.

Rebuilding Trust

Often, dissatisfied customers simply go to a rival brand. Giving a customer incentive as a gesture of goodwill can help persuade them to return and make another purchase.

Encouraging Repeat Business

Giving new customers an incentive to thank them for their first purchase encourages long-term loyalty and repeat business. Customers love to feel appreciated. If they receive an incentive like a gift card along with their purchase, they’ll know the brand appreciates their business. They’ll therefore feel eager to use the company again for another purchase.

Giving Incentives to Your Customers

Gift cards are the perfect customer incentives, and e-commerce businesses can get them from Rybbon has a great range of virtual gift cards and makes it convenient and simple to incentivize your customers.

about the author
BHN Rewards

BHN Rewards puts the power of digital rewards to work for marketers, researchers, and HR managers. Don't forget to check out all the great content in our Resources section!

BHN Rewards puts the power of digital rewards to work for marketers, researchers, and HR managers. Don't forget to check out all the great content in our Resources section!